By Alláh, no, not yet. They still exist in the loins of men and wombs of women. Whenever a chief would appear from among them, he would be cut down till the last of them would turn thieves and robbers. (1)
(1) This prophecy of Amír al-mu’minín also proved true word by word. Every chief of Khárijites who rose was put to sword. A few of their chiefs who were badly put to death are mentioned here:
1) Náfi` ibn Azraq al-Hanafí: the largest group of the Khárijites namely al-Azáriqah is named after him. He was killed by Salámah al-Báhilí during encounter with the army of Muslim ibn `Ubays.
2) Najdah ibn `Ámir: the an-Najadát al-`Ádhiriyyah sect of Khárijites is named after him. Abú Fudayk al-Khárijí got him killed.
3) `Abdulláh ibn Ibá_ at-Tamímí: the sect Ibá_ite (Ibá_iyyah) is named after him. He was killed during encounter with `Abdulláh ibn Muhammad ibn `ATiyyah.
4) Abú Bayhas Haysam ibn Jábir a_-¬uba`í: the sect of al-Bayhasiyyah is named after him. `Uthmán ibn Hayyán al-Murrí the governor of Medina got his hands and feet severed and then killed him.
5) `Urwah ibn Udayyah at-Tamímí: Ziyád ibn Abíh killed him during the reign of Mu`áwiyah.
6) Qatarí ibn al-Fujá’h al-Máziní at-Tamímí: when he encountered the army of Sufyán ibn al-Abrad al-Kalbí in Tabarastán then Sawrah ibn al-hurr ad-Dárimí killed him.
7) Abú Bilál Mirdás ibn Udayyah at-Tamímí: was killed in encounter with `Abbás ibn Akh_ar al-Máziní.
8) Shawdhab al-Khárijí al-Yashkurí: was killed during encounter with Sa`íd ibn `Amr al-harashí.
9) hawtharah ibn Wadá` al-Asadí: was killed at the hands of a man of Banú Tayyi’
10) al-Mustawrid ibn `Ullafah at-Taymí: was killed by Ma`qil ibn Qays ar-Riyáhí in the reign of Mu`áwiyah.
11) Shabíb ibn Yazíd ash-Shaybání: died by being drowned in river.
12) `Imrán ibn al-hárith ar-Rásibí: was killed in the battle of Dúláb.
13, 14) Zahháf at-Tá’í and Qurayb ibn Murrah al-Azdí: were killed in encounter with Banú Táhiyah.
15) az-Zubayr ibn `Alí as-Salítí at-Tamímí: was killed in encounter with `Attáb ibn Warqá’ ar-Riyáhí.
16) `Alí ibn Bashír ibn al-Máhúz al-Yarbú`í: al-Hajjáj ibn Yúsuf ath-Thaqafí got him killed.
17) `Ubaydulláh ibn Bashír: was killed in encounter with al-Muhallab ibn Abí Sufrah in the battle of Dúláb.
18) Abú’l-Wázi` ar-Rásibí: a man in the graveyard of Banú Yashkur felled a wall on him and killed him.
19) `Abdu Rabbih as-Saghír: was killed in encounter with al-Muhallab ibn Abí Sufrah.
20) Al-Walíd ibn Taríf ash-Shaybání: was killed in encounter with Yazíd ibn Mazyad ash-Shaybání.
21-24) `Abdulláh ibn Yahyá al-Kindí, al-Mukhtár ibn `Awf al-Azdí (Abú Hamzah ash-Shárí), Abrahah ibn as-Sabbáh and Balj ibn `Uqbah al-Asadí: were killed by `Abd al-Malik ibn `ATiyyah as-Sa`dí in the reign of Marwán ibn Muhammad (the last of the Umayyad caliphs).