Sermon 043 – After Amír al-mu’minín had sent Jarír ibn `Abdilláh al-Bajalí to Mu`áwiyah

After Amír al-mu’minín had sent Jarír ibn `Abdilláh al-Bajalí to Mu`áwiyah
(for securing his allegiance) some of his companions suggested preparation to fight with him then he said:
                My preparation for war with the people of Syria (ash-Shám) while Jarír ibn `Abdilláh al-Bajalí is still there would be closing the door for Syria and prevention of its people from good action (i.e. allegiance) if they intend doing it. However, I have fixed a time limit for Jarír after which he would not stay without either deception or in disobedience.  My opinion is in favour of patience, so wait a while. (In the meantime) I do not dislike your getting ready.
                I have observed this matter thoroughly from all sides but I do not find any way except war or heresy. Certainly, there was over the people a ruler (before me) who brought about new (un-Islamic) things and compelled the people to speak out. So they did speak, then rose up and thereafter changed the whole system.

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